Vice-rector for youth and spiritual and educational affairs

Aleuov Zayir Isakovich

Time of receipt:Monday – Saturday from 14:00 to 17:00
Phone:(+99861) 222-84-07
Fax:(+99861) 222-84-36
Address:Nukus city, A.Dosnazarov street 108

After the independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the development of spirituality and enlightenment became one of the priorities of state policy in the country. In order to educate one of the reforms in the field of improving education in every way the perfect generation, to educate them in the spirit of loyalty to the ideas of patriotism and independence, the “spiritual and educational” centers of all higher educational institutions and the post of vice-rector for educational and spiritual and educational affairs were established.


    Implementation of organizational work on the implementation of the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decisions and decrees of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decisions of the Supreme Assembly and Cabinet of Ministers in the field of education and training;

    Organization of spiritual and educational work and assistance in training qualified personnel;

    Organization of the implementation of orders and instructions of ministries and higher organizations, decisions of the Scientific Council of the     Institute and orders of the Institute on spiritual and educational and youth education;

    Organization of spiritual and educational work on the basis of state educational standards and ensuring the training of qualified personnel;

    Ensuring full knowledge of the complex of requirements for the content and level of training of knowledge in accordance with state educational standards of all deans and departments, heads of departments and pedagogical teachers;

    Organization of the implementation of orders, orders and instructions of higher organizations, decisions of the Scientific Council of the     Institute and rector’s orders on issues related to spiritual and educational processes;

    The study of the development trends of the educational system of advanced countries, the development of tools for the implementation of the tasks specified by the law on education, the national program for training and other educational laws and ensuring their implementation;

    Preparation of proposals for the direction of activity and organization of work;

    Coordination, organization and control of the work of departments, deaneries that provide a spiritual and educational process;

    Approval of work plans of departments, faculties and departments and control over their implementation;

    supervise and ensure the implementation of Paragraph 5 of the personal plan of professors;

    Organization of conferences, meetings round tables and conferences in the spiritual and educational sphere,

    Managing and assisting the processes of searching, sorting and working with talented young people, assisting in the process of training among student and trainee-researcher-researchers the winners of prestigious scholarships of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Navoi, Beruniy, Ulugbek, Zulfiya and other names;

    Development of proposals on the staff of professors and staff assisting in educational work, Organization of work on the provision of departments, departments with qualified personnel;

    Taking action against employees who violate executive discipline, preparing proposals for termination of the contract with them;

    Conducting reports of annual activities of departments, faculties and departments, analyzing and drawing conclusions, carrying out an assessment of the spiritual and educational activities of professors and teachers in modern ways;

    Implementation of continuous cooperation with institutes in the spiritual and educational direction, ensuring active participation of professors and teachers in conferences, seminars, working in cooperation with local authorities;

    Active participation in the preparation and transfer of the institute to a permanent internal certification in the established procedure, external certification.

    At the institute, it is always necessary to ensure that young people take their place in society, further increase their political and legal knowledge, fight against corruption, drugs, AIDS, terrorism, extremism, Prevent alcoholism and other negative vices.

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