Department of affairs management

Paxratdinov Abdirashid Abdilamitovich
Candidate of Chemical Sciences
Time of receipt: | Monday-Saturday 14:00 to 17:00 |
Phone: | (+99861) 222-84-36 |
Fax: | (+99861) 222-84-36 |
E-mail: | |
Address: | Nukus city, A.Dosnazarov street 108 |
Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 2859 of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Labor, Finance of the Ministry of Finance, February 6, 2017 of the February 6, 2017, 4th D/P, approved by Decisions No. 13 “Management, technical, service institutions and training staff” This is based on the number of students and other economic and technical indicators position has been entered since 2020.
- Organization of the implementation of the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, presidential decrees and orders, decisions of the Oliy Majlis and the Cabinet of Ministers in the field of education and personnel training;
- Organizing the implementation of the orders, orders and instructions of higher official organizations, the decisions of the Scientific Council of KMI on issues related to financial and economic processes, and the rector’s orders and orders;
- Preparation of proposals and organization of work in the field of activity;
- Coordinating, organizing and controlling the work of educational units and dean’s offices that ensure the financial process;
- Organizing the implementation of the orders, orders and instructions of higher official organizations, the decisions of the Scientific Council of KMI on issues related to financial and economic processes and the rector’s orders;
- Elaboration of proposals for the staffing of auxiliary staff related to financial and economic work, organization of providing departments and structural divisions with qualified staff;
- Recruiting for vacant positions related to financial and economic work, developing and leading the implementation of plans for improving the staff and improving their qualifications;
- Elaboration of issues of effective use of classrooms, improvement of technical equipment of auditoriums and laboratories;
- Taking measures against employees who violate executive discipline, preparing proposals for termination of contracts with them;
- Permanent financial and economic cooperation with higher education institutions, working in cooperation with local authorities;
- Active participation in conducting regular internal attestation of KMI and preparation for external attestation too;
- Management and coordination of financial, economic and economic affairs of KMI;
- Managing and coordinating the work of the planning and finance department, accounting, economy, as well as other departments attached on the basis of the order of the rector;
- Organization, management and coordination of construction repair, landscaping works;
- Increasing the attraction of extra-budgetary funds by launching additional paid services (publishing, household services, paid training courses, rent, sponsorship, dividends, etc.) within the scope of the existing material and technical base of KMI and thereby developing proposals for financial incentives for professors-teachers and employees;
- Organization of the formation of extra-budgetary funds and other special extra-budgetary funds from the training of students on the basis of a fee-contract;
- To ensure the registration of income and expenditure estimates from the state budget, the funds received from training on the basis of a payment-contract, and earned on the basis of entrepreneurship, from the relevant ministries;
- Control of implementation of cost estimates of KMI, accounting of financial activities, currency transactions;
- Development of measures for the preparation of educational laboratory buildings, student residences and other auxiliary buildings and structures of KMI for the autumn-winter season and the new academic year and ensuring their implementation;
- Studying the condition of the material and technical base of KMI in the conditions of economic liberalization, developing measures for its development and monitoring its implementation;
- Organization of activities to attract investments to KMI, reconstruction and capital repair of existing buildings and structures, drawing up contracts after considering project-estimate documents, acceptance of completed works and quality control;
- Organization of proper compliance with state, budget and account discipline and control of accounting and reporting;
- Development of measures for rational and economical use of budget and extra-budget funds, as well as types of communal services, and ensuring their implementation;
- Development of measures to improve the conditions of remuneration for the work of professors and employees of KMI, development of accounting and reporting and implementation in the established order;
- To ensure timely payment of salaries and student stipends of professors and employees of KMI;
- Control over the implementation of tuition payments from students studying on the basis of a fee-contract;
- Organization, management and coordination of construction and repair works, ensuring the implementation of the plan for the transfer of ferrous and non-ferrous metal waste;
- To draw up a plan of measures to ensure the safety of students and employees in emergency situations and work safety and ensure its implementation;
- Ensuring the stability of the university’s buildings, providing them with fire fighting equipment, ensuring that their sanitary and hygienic conditions are maintained at the required level;
- Planning the work of student canteens, sports and health centers, medical centers and ensuring their operation, constantly providing for the needs of student accommodation;
- Organization of modern study and laboratory rooms with all facilities for lectures and practical training;
- Conscientious performance of one’s official duties.
- To perform his duties in a good faith