Department of controlling educational quality

Khalmuratova Fatima Adilbaevna
Head of Department
Time of receipt: | Monday to Saturday: 14:00-17:00 |
Phone: | (+99861) 222-84-18 |
Fax: | (+99861) 222-84-36 |
E-mail: | |
Address: | Nukus city, A.Dosnazarov street 108 |

Idirisov Jaqsiliq Aytmuratovich
Chief specialist
Time of receipt: | Monday to Saturday: 14:00-17:00 |
Phone: | (8361) 222-84-18 |
Fax: | (8361) 222-84-36 |
E-mail: | |
Address: | Nukus city, A.Dosnazarov street 108 |
The Department of Quality Control of Education at the Karakalpakstan Medical Institute was established in accordance with paragraph 14 of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 515 dated July 18, 2017 “On the organization of the activities of the State Inspectorate for Quality Control of Knowledge under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan” and is part of the Karakalpakstan Medical Institute.
Department functions:
- control and monitoring of the quality of the Institute’s personnel training;
- study and analysis of the compliance of students’ knowledge of the Institute with state educational standards (DTS) and the level of students’ mastery of subjects;
- formation of a teaching staff capable of ensuring the quality of education, including the creation of (objective) transparent organizational mechanisms that allow the selection, hiring of potential teachers, and improving the qualifications of their professional skills;
- Systematic analysis of the quality of teaching by teaching professors;
- organizing an internal evaluation of the institute and taking measures to eliminate existing shortcomings based on the results of the internal evaluation;
- studying the correctness of the organization of the educational process based on the requirements established by regulatory legal acts and the effectiveness of using the HEMIS system (including timely and complete data entry into the information system, organization of a credit-modular system at the level of requirements);
- analysis of the compliance of qualification requirements, curricula and programs with the training of competitive personnel who meet professional standards and labor market requirements;
- studying the organization of training sessions based on modern pedagogical technologies and information technologies , establishing the quality of the educational process at the required control level;
- determining the effectiveness of measures taken to ensure transparency and objectivity in the control and assessment of students’ knowledge;
- studying the state of conditions created in the information resource center for students and teachers, the availability of textbooks on subjects, created conditions for students and making suggestions to the management;
- ensuring the implementation of anti-plagiarism programs at the Institute (including the introduction of the principles of academic integrity and systematic organization of work against copying);
- participation in the collection of information on the determination and evaluation of the institute’s rating, in the processes related to the certification and study of the quality of education;
- conducting on an ongoing basis sociological surveys among students, parents, professors, teachers and consumers of personnel in order to study the social environment at the institute, the quality of training and education;
- development, together with the management of the higher educational institution, of measures aimed at raising the rating of the institute to an international level , and active participation in ensuring its implementation;
- conducting educational seminars and trainings aimed at improving the quality of education together with the relevant structural units of the Institute;
- formation of a database of public experts at the Institute and regular seminars with them within the framework of the tasks set;
- monitoring issues of integration of the educational process with production, practical implementation of innovative ideas, developments and technologies;
- presentation in the Institute ‘s Council , at round tables and conferences of information on the results of the study and monitoring conducted by the department to improve the quality of education;