Head of the Planning and Finance Department

Bekbaulieva Mukhabbat Daniyarovna
Time of receipt: | Monday-Saturday: from 09:00 to 17:00. |
Phone: | (+99861) 222-84-81 |
Fax: | (+99861) 222-84-36 |
E-mail: | nukusmed@mail.ru |
Adress: | Nukus, street A .Dosnazarov 108 |
Goals and functions of the branch
The main purpose of the planning and finance branch is to plan, organize and finance the activities of the institute. The current and future plans are based on the principles of the Economic Department of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Health and Social Development, the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan and others.
Duties of the finance and planning branch
General management of all activities and employees of the department;
Drawing up working plans of the department and ensuring their execution;
Coordinating the activities of the official departments of the institute based on the department’s goals;
Laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan on education, Presidential Decrees, Orders, Decisions, Decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers, Decisions of the Board of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, ensuring and monitoring the execution of orders, directives, modemograms and telephone massages, as well as rector’s orders together with faculties, departments, departments;
Drafting cost estimates for the new financial year;
Analyzing wages, stipends and other payments equivalent to wages;
Development of institute structure based on state regulations;
Staffing of administrative and management, economic, educational and teaching staff, implementation of tariffs;
Conducting an economic analysis of the financial situation in all areas of the institute;
Calculating the cost of additional education services;
Analyzing the implementation and targeting of payments for Group 4 other expenses provided for in the cost estimates;
Development of projects on the distribution of funds of the financial incentive fund and presentation to the management;
Analyzing the distribution of hours in the departments to determine the workload of the faculty;
To establish mutual cooperation with the accounting department and other departments of the institute to ensure proper and effective use of funds allocated to the institution;
Fulfilling the orders of the Rector, the decisions of the Institute Council within their deadlines;