Head of the Test center

Reymbergenova Saodat Tolibaevna

Time of receipt:Monday-Saturday from 9:00 to 17:00
Phone:(+99861) 222-84-81
Fax:(+99861) 222-84-36
Address:Nukus city, 108 A.Dosnazarov St.


The Basic directions of activity of a center are:
• Creates a computer and information infrastructure, establishes{installs} and supports{maintains} the software on computers for an estimation of knowledge of students on intermediate and final examinations – a test method.
Conducts prospecting works on expansion of functionalities of means of carrying out test.
• Carries out research of programs of carrying out of computer test tests, development of the advanced software and their introduction in practice of the test control.
• Input of tests in computer memory, their adjustment and creation of test breadboard models of data (bank of tests) in magnetic carriers{bearers} of the COMPUTER. Creation of bank of questions for « Written works ».
According to made in a teaching center of institute (together with dean’s office) the schedule, directly spends the computer test and written control.
• Prepares for materials of computer test and written examination. Carries out practical test of computer programs of carrying out of the test control, their operation, develops{produces} recommendations on perfection of computer programs.
• On a regular basis spends employment{occupations} with responsible{crucial} teachers of faculties on pedagogical, psychological and methodical bases of the test control of knowledge and a rating gain score of students.
• Check of conformity of the tests presented by faculties to requirements of the test control and development corresponding{meeting} recommendations on their perfection together with a educational – methodical center of institute.
• Ordering tests for direct carrying out of the final control. (questions should correspond to the curriculum of each subject and not repeat questions Intermediate interrogation, Final interrogation).

Management and the organization of activity of a center: 
• The Management of the center is carried out by the chief of the center, the appointed{nominated} order of the rector of high school.
• Workers of a center are accepted by the rector under the recommendation of the chief of a center.
• The Chief carries out a management{manual} of all activity according to Position of the center and the Charter of institute.

Duties of a center:
• Technical and the software of processes test, « Written work» and ОСКЕ the control and an estimation of knowledge of students.
• Personnel maintenance of faculties of institute with experts on creation and perfection of an estimation of knowledge of students by a method of testing, « Written work » and ОSKE.
• The Estimation of levels of tests on depth of imitation of alive dialogue “teacher-student” and breadth of scope of a teaching material.
• Practical realization of an estimation of knowledge of students in Intermediate interrogation, Final interrogation a method « Written work», the test control.

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