Head of the Educational and Methodological Department:

Abdullaeva Nuriya Djalgasovna

Head of the Educational and Methodological Department:

Reception time:Monday-Saturday 09:00-17:00
Tel:(+99861) 222-84-76
Fax:(+99861) 222-84-36
Address:Nukus city, A.Dosnazarov street 108

Educational-Methodical Department is one of the basic structures of the Medical Institute of Karakalpakstan, he submits to the rector and managed by vice-rector for academic affairs.

The main goal of the educational and methodological department is to ensure the educational process at the Institute, its coordination, as well as the effective control of the educational activities of faculties and departments

The objectives of educational- methodical department:

  1. Distribute responsibilities among department employees and ensure their effective work;
  2. Monitor the calculation of the teaching load for the faculties and departments of the institute and the distribution of the load by the departments to the teaching staff within the established time frame;
  3. Monitor the implementation of the teaching load by department teachers;
  4. Develop and submit for approval work plans for the educational department, ensure their clear and timely implementation;
  5. Providing of quality training Normative documents pertaining to the educational process, and completing their introduction in the educational process;
  6. Qualitative organization of educational process, methodical provision and improvement of educational work;
  7. Making changes into curricula according with state educational standards, provision of practical assistance to cognate higher education institutions;
  8. Performing of educational work, based on the curriculum and programs;
  9. Drawing up a schedule of the educational process, class schedule for the academic year and monitoring its implementation;;
  10. The introduction of the learning process progressive and effective methods, providing high quality education;
  11. Providing and monitoring the proper use of auditorium funds and lecture halls;
  12. Preparing materials and draft resolutions on academic work for consideration by the Academic Council, the meetings of Rectorate, scientific and methodological council;
  13. Ensuring and monitoring the implementation of orders, resolutions, instructions of higher organizations, the rector and vice-rector for academic affairs relating to the activities of the department;
  14. Preparation of proposals for the development of material-technical base of the educational process;
  15. The organization and holding of seminars and consultations for teachers on introduction of modern information-communication and new pedagogical technologies in educational process;
  16. Control the movement of the student population;Erseeing the preparation of deaneries and departments to the new school year, etc.

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